200 German relic helmets found from the Battle for Berlin

Hello all, a smalll info/update
we have recently come across a large hord find from german relic helmets found on the battlefield of Berlin.
Most likely on a site from large surrender from soldiers as when they did they had to leave all militaria hardware behind before going into captivity, helmets and gear would all be burried.
These helmets were all found like that stacked up on each other.
We are very delighted to be able to get this large find in at Rocksteady militaria 200 german relic helmets from the battle for Berlin
Soon we will start sorting them out and clean and preserve them and with time they will come on the website, we will make a special category for them ” battle for Berlin 200 helmets ”
due to the ammount it will take a long time to get them all online and store them correctly in our shop so plz have some patience

greetings Bas