Entries by Bas Bravenboer

Photos and postcard update

after days of sorting out we can finally present you the postcards and press Photos, and others we obtained, a wide variatie and this is only half of what there iswe will be making new sub categories due to the high ammount of items and will update all sections every week! – new sections within […]

new update ” the eagle has landed”

the eagle finally has landed, in the form of sports eagles and press photos with sport eagles on it! also we were finally able to get part from the German WW2 fallschirmjäger supply parachute, colour… white! so new in our inventory are “scarfs” from white original world war two german supply parachute!! multiple available all […]

New update 13-12-2020

and jes a fresh new Rocksteady militaria update, this time with some very Nice buckles, panzer 3 wheels, arbeitsfront plate, many relic helmets and a unique nice Stalingrad Krim shield and iron crosses

Houten Militaria

today was the last and one of the very few militaria fairs Rocksteady did this year due to all the world things goin on.we hope next year will bring more sunshine to the outside fairs and we can see you there again at overloon , La Gleize, war and peace revivial, Malvern Stoneleigh, army show, […]

New update coming up

today we had a road trip towards Arnhem and other places close to the German border to pickup some new goodiesand heavy metals! all items will be listed soon on rocksteady militaria so stay tuned! Grtz Bas

New update 15-11-2020

Hello all ! First of all id like to thank everyone who ordered at Rocksteady militaria the last couple of weeks, all items are shipped and on the road, it was very busy with the discount 10% which still runs up to Black friday, so take your advantage. We try to ship as fast as […]